Simple Ways To Impact School Culture

Simple Ways To Impact School Culture

Joanna Anderson


We know from workplace studies that some companies have excellent cultures, while others are diabolical. But what’s interesting is that there are no obvious differences between these firms from the outside. They both serve the same markets, employ the same types of people, and make roughly the same profits. 

Over time, though, something goes wrong in the social dynamics. For instance, a bad manager might incentivize people to behave differently, which ultimately turns the company’s culture upside down. Eventually, doing the right thing doesn’t pay off, and everyone learns that the only way to survive is to be in it for themselves. 

That sort of rank individualism isn’t the sort of thing you want in any organization. But it can creep up on schools too. Everything can seem idyllic from the outside, even when on the inside, things are rotten to the core. 

The good news, though, is that you can effortlessly build a better culture in your school. Here are some of the strategies you might want to try:

Make Parents Active Participants

Parents want to feel as though they’re involved in school life. After all, it’s their children, and they should have some say over the type of education they receive. 

Where possible, try to go beyond parents’ evenings once per year. Instead, create programs that allow interested parents to get on board with the school itinerary and take part in it. The more parents feel like a valuable part of the system, the more likely they are to engender a positive atmosphere. By investing in the parents, you invest the children as well. 

Create A School Identity Through Dress

Uniforms are no fun, and most students don’t want them. But that doesn’t mean you can’t wear clothes to promote your school. 

Ideally, you want to create a situation in which children want to wear school T shirt designs. They should love the institution so much; they’re willing to adorn themselves with its branding. 

Creating “merch” for a school might seem a little odd. But it can help to foster brand loyalty. Kids who wear clothes that tell people the school they attend are much more likely to feel proud about going. And that can positively impact their relationship with teachers and their peers

Celebrate Achievements

Businesses know that when they celebrate their employees’ achievements, they stick around for longer and are happier. The same principles apply to kids. When you celebrate their achievements, they are much more likely to work hard to get the recognition they feel they deserve. They want to be a part of the school. 

Model The Behaviors You Expect

You often hear therapists telling parents to model behaviors that they would like their children to copy. The same principle applies to teachers. The more you can demonstrate what good behavior looks like; the more likely kids will follow it and respect you. After all, when you model exemplary behavior, you’re not asking kids to do anything you are not doing yourself. That’s the kind of thing that builds integrity. 

Joanna Anderson