Signs of Teacher Burnout and What You Can Do About It | The Highly Effective Teacher

Signs of Teacher Burnout and What You Can Do About It

Marie Amaro

Signs of Teacher Burnout and What You Can Do About It

What Can You Do To Reduce Symptoms Of Stress and Overwhelm?

It is highly likely that you have been more stressed than usual and perhaps felt symptoms of teacher burnout during these uncertain times and also felt that there was very little that you could do about it.

Taking control of your own wellbeing is vital for teachers and in these extraordinary times, it is even more important than ever.

In this video, we look at the signs and symptoms of burnout and what steps you can take to care for yourself whether we are in the midst of a pandemic or not.

The struggle (in teaching) is real!

Marie Amaro

Marie is the author of Habits of Highly Effective Teachers and is a passionate educator, with over 30 years experience working in education. Marie is a speaker, presenter and specialises in positive behaviour management, teacher wellbeing, restorative practices and school culture.