What about student voice-?

What About Student Voice?

Student voice and choice. Creating a classroom environment where students and teacher really listen to one another in an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding may be considered idealistic. But what are teachers if not idealists? If students feel accepted and free to express themselves they are more likely to take risks with their learning. They will feel ok to say, “I don’t understand” or “I don’t get it” and to ask for help. To develop a non-threatening classroom climate takes time, effort and effective, consistent practices.

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How to win An Oscar For Best Teacher

How To Win The Oscar For Best Teacher

There are many times throughout the day, week or year that teachers have to put on their best acting suit to get through certain situations. For example when you are a new teacher, when you are hungry or tired, when you are substitute teacher, when you lack confidence; the list goes on.

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How To Build Positive Relationships With Students

How To Build Positive Relationships With Students

Relationships are at the heart of all we do as teachers. Knowing how to build positive relationships with students is a cornerstone teaching skill. If you think back to the teachers you had who really influenced you in a positive way and had an impact on your learning you will probably not remember the content of what they taught you. What you will remember is the way they treated you, how you felt in their class and the types of interactions you had. Here are 13 great ways to build positive relationships with your students.

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How to get students to like you

How To Get Students To Like You

It is not necessary for your students to like you, but it is very important that they think you like them! Relationships are the cornerstone of your work as a teacher; kids will work harder for you when they know you care about them. The Top Ten Mistakes Teachers Make with Student-Teacher Relationships....

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How To build Relationships with Parents

How To Build Relationships With Parents

Parents are the first educators of their children and as such are your valuable allies in the quest to develop their child into a lifelong learner. Parents hold the information that can make your life as a teacher much easier, they can hold the key to unlocking student potential and tips that get students to cooperate.

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